VP of Marketing
VP of Marketing
Pi Sigma Epsilon Gamma Nu is proud to present the Ninth Annual Fisher Sales Competition at The Ohio State University. The Fisher College of Business does not offer a Sales specialization/minor, and our chapter has made it our mission to connect some of Ohio State’s top sales talent with our corporate partners.
On Saturday, October 8th, 2022, approximately 60 students with an interest in sales participated in a day of professional development via Zoom. Throughout the day, participants got an opportunity to work with sales professionals from our partnering companies, attend resume workshops and of course compete for Top Sales Person!
This signature event is not something you want to miss out on, make sure to stay tuned for more information about our 2023 Fisher Sales Competition!
2022 Fisher Sales Competition
"Fisher Sales Competition provided me, a logistics major with no background at all in sales, an opportunity to develop skills that I can use in my field. The coaches were fantastic in preparing me for my first ever sales pitch and I learned so much from them. Overall, Fisher Sales Competition was challenging yet fun and I'm so thankful for PSE for providing me with this opportunity."
"Having time to prepare and ask for advice from my professional coach was very helpful. This was my first time participating in a sales competition and I felt that it was very helpful and made me want to practice more so I can improve my sales skills even more!"

Director of Corporate Engagement
VP of Professional Development

BuckeyeThon is the largest student run philanthropy in the state of Ohio which raises funds and awareness for the Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant Unit at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Students who support this organization work year-round to support the families and kids being treated at the hospital both emotionally and financially. As a program of the Office of Student Life at The Ohio State University, BuckeyeThon engages thousands of students annually, fostering a spirit of philanthropy and uniting the Ohio State community to make a difference For The Kids.



This year, Buckeyethon will look a little bit different, with events taking place both online and spread out across Ohio State's campus in order to comply with social distancing guidelines. These changes however, have done the opposite of discourage our chapter. The kids we work to support need our help now more than ever, and thanks to the diligence and creativity of our PSE Buckeyethon team, we were able to meet and surpass our fundraising goal!

VP of Marketing

November 2022
At last year’s Buckeyethon, our chapter was able to have 40 of our members attend the Dance Marathon! In order to dance, individuals have to have raised at least $200. Many of our members exceeded this number. We had an optimistic goal of $13,000. However, because of the hard work and dedication of our chapter, we were able to raise a grand total of $16,810 FOR THE KIDS!
Gamma Nu would like to thank every person who made this fundraising effort possible. Parents, alumni, sponsors, and students all contributed to the success of the event. Next year the goal has been set to raise $20,000. With the determination of our members, we are confident that they will make a major donation to Buckeyethon in November 2023! Check out some photos above from our 2022 Dance Marathon!

The Annual Fore the Kids golf outing has been held at Raymond Memorial Golf Course for many years. This year, we are so excited to finally hold this event to raise money for our main philanthropy, Buckeyethon! Stay tuned so you don't miss an amazing opportunity to golf with past, present, and future members of PSE in fall 2022.

Zoe Gerber
VP of Marketing

Annual Fisher
Marketing Competition
This year, in the Fall of 2023, Pi Sigma Epsilon Gamma Nu hosted the first Annual Fisher Marketing Competition.
On September 16th, 2022, approximately 20 Fisher students competed in a Marketing Case Competition with out national sponsors University Tees, winning prizes and gaining crucial real world experiencing in developing and executing marketing strategies.
Don't miss this opportunity and look out for sign-ups for the next competition in 2023!

Zoe Gerber
VP of Marketing